If you work for a market-leading company that manufactures and delivers advanced industrial equipment, there are strict requirements for your machines and high expectations from your customers. Your machines are the core of their business and are critical to their success. As a result, they expect the highest quality in what you deliver to them but also set high demands on you as a supplier. Demands that you are most likely to achieve by digitalizing yourself and your equipment.
One part of digitalization for manufacturing companies is about getting the equipment you manufacture to be connected, a solution that effectively makes data exchange and data collection possible. In a manufacturing context, connected machines can contribute to improved production processes, which can in turn result in shorter lead times and more customized manufacturing. Outside of manufacturing, connected machines can offer companies the ability to expand their sales offering, using real-time data and insights, increase customization and streamline processes. Manufacturing connected machines also means that your offering to your customers will be the exact same, regardless of where they are geographically located, as your machines can continue to talk to you regardless of location.
As a manufacturer of connected machines, you can offer a wider and better aftermarket offer. You become more proactive towards your customers in your maintenance work, as the available data you collect from machines can help you predict if a machine needs servicing. In addition, the equipment itself can call for a service technician, meaning your customer does not have to report errors when they occur. (If you’re quick enough, you might even be able to fix the error before anyone notices!)
Digitalizing the machines you sell is also not only something your company will benefit from. Your customers will also be able to use collected data to gain relevant insights, whether it’s about consumption, to launch campaigns or to optimize their pricing or manufacturing process. Put simply, connected machines create value in several ways for both you and your customers. Your service organization will improve, which improves the customer experience, while the customer's own operations will become more data-driven, increasing their productivity.