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Sell more by extending your offer

Do you want to increase your sales? Many companies focus on selling more units or acquiring new customers – but this approach can be both costly and inefficient. A more sustainable and profitable way to increase revenue is to extend the relationships with existing customers by offering added value around the core product or service.

How to extend the offering and increase revenue

Extending the business means identifying additional customer needs and offering solutions that address them. This can include everything from complementary services – servicification – to additional products that provide more value to the customer and strengthen the relationship. By thinking proactively, you can become an even more integral part of your customer’s operations.

The key to extending the business is asking:

  • What does the customer need beyond our product or service?
  • What complementary services or products can we offer?

Read more about servicification in two of our other articles:

Servicification means shifting from simply selling a product to offering a complete solution, including services like maintenance, support, and upgrades. This not only creates additional value for the customer but also generates recurring revenue for the business.

After-sales — an untapped goldmine

One of the greatest opportunities for extending your offering is after-sales services – the phase after the initial transaction is completed. Many companies sell their product and move on to the next customer, but customers often have ongoing needs after their purchase.

Companies that excel in after-sales services understand that the purchase is not the end of the relationship – it’s just the beginning. By continuing to create value after the sale, you achieve happier customers, deeper relationships, and a more stable revenue stream.

Examples of after-sales services that extend your business:

  • Service & maintenance — Regular service, repairs and warranty extension
  • Subscriptions & licenses — Digital services, software updates or subscriptions
  • Training & support — Help customers get more out of the product

For example, regular service can give the customer peace of mind and ensure that the product works optimally, while training and support help the customer get the maximum value. The more you simplify your customer's everyday life, the stronger the relationship will be — and the more profitable it will be for you.

Don't just sell — build long-term business

Increasing sales isn't just about selling more units, it's about becoming a long-term partner for your customers. By creating value that extends beyond the initial purchase, you extend the offering and build a stable, profitable ecosystem around your offering.

Read about how we have helped Lagafors improve its aftermarket offer and thus increased customer satisfaction.

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